We've worked with staff, children and their families to design and transform an unused and out-of-bounds area of the school into an inspiring and exciting space to grow food, play and learn.
We constructed paths, a multi-storey treehouse, a mud kitchen, raised beds to grow in and a fence to separate the children from any undesirable rubbish thrown or blown over the fence. Watch the slide show to see the transformation! |
We've been running weekly 'Stay and Play' sessions with the reception class, encouraging families to meet one-another and take part in fun activities in the outdoors together.
We've been making bird feeders and bird masks, snow and mud pictures, hunting for minibeasts, making clay faces to protect the woods and cooking on an open fire! We're hoping to grow and cook lots of tasty vegetables and fruits on the school site as lots of families don't have access to growing space at home. The year's sessions with culminate with a world picnic... so we'll be busy growing the ingredients and practicing our outdoor culinary skills until then! |